Saturday, June 11, 2011

Update from Springfield

They took mom in for the balloon catheter procedure at 12:30. At 2:45, Dr. Goswani came back to the CCU waiting room. There are lots of residual clots, but they are pushed out of the way, so her blood is flowing in the previously blocked veins. The previously blocked left subclavial vein was open today. He did balloon her right subclavial vein from her armpit to her vena cava, the vein in her neck, and the vena cava. The veins aren’t perfect yet, but they are better. Her deep brachial vein (from her armpit to her wrist) is still blocked, but two other superficial veins in her arm are moving blood to her subclavian vein.

She has been started on Lovenox (blood thinner) and will stay on it until Monday maybe longer. Dr. Goswami is hoping that the residual clots will stay where they are or get better until then. If that’s the case, then her port will be removed by a surgeon, here in Springfield, on Monday.
If the clots reform, Dr. Goswami will use an Angiovac. They will put a catheter up to her heart, suck the blood out of her body, filter it, and pump it back in through a bypass in her heart. It’s a brand new device/procedure and has only been used once in the United States. A profusionist team and a heart surgeon will be required. It is a risky procedure, but Dr. Goswami is confident that it will work and that they can do it here.

Hopefully the clots will stay where they are or get better, she will stay on the blood thinner until Monday, and then her port will come out. After the port comes out, the risk of new clots forming will go down immensely. Until the clots are gone, the risk of pulmonary edema will remain.

She is feeling better, now that the procedure is over. She will be able to move her legs for the first time in 50+ hours at 8 p.m. tonight. She will be up and walking then, as well. Most of the swelling will disappear in the next 3-5 hours. She's back to talking and joking around, and we're definitely happy to see that.

Please continue to pray that God will keep Mom safe, and she will overcome this obstacle very soon.
I will try to continually post updates until Monday. Stay tuned. -Jenn

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