Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tickled pink!!

Well....our trip started off Sunday morning at 5:45 am. The windows were frosted over and as we started defrosting....the wipers made a big heart on my side of the windshield. It's called a  God~wink per Mindy Browning. It just made me tell myself....breathe, it will all be ok no matter WHAT the results are!!! We traveled all day until about 6:45 and stopped for the night at Livingston, Tx. Just about an hour and forty minutes from MD Anderson.  The next day started with getting into MD Anderson pretty easy and blood work was immediately drawn. Then on to the PET scan. We were done by 1 and went for lunch at Olive Garden (Thanks Amy and Rylan for the gift card that we didn't use during radiation).  We arrived at Roselyn and David Morris's house for the evening and had a wonderful supper (as usual) and they turned on the a/c so we could build a fire. Pat and I found this a little funny  but it was nice visiting with wine and conversation. OK...OK...on to the drumroll!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday came and after French Toast, fresh fruit, sausage links and bacon, we were on our way to our visit with the famous Dr. Javle. We had quite a talk with his nurse about postage sized dumps, zip code sized dumps and "your own reality tv show" sized dumps. It was quite a talk and I won't go into details. The nurse assistant was in next and did the little "Are you having any pain....how is your appetite...blah, blah, blah!  THEN, Dr. Javle comes in. The gentle giant asked how I was doing....and then told me that the radiation had worked ......it had did the job! The PET results state: The previous noted focal increased FDG-avidity near dome of the liver is RESOLVED! I have some pulmonary nodules that I have had since 2011, and they are noted to be likely benign. There are a few scattered nodular opacities noted in the lungs but they have been stable since prior examination and are not FDG avid. SO, the dr states I am to go home and LIVE. I have felt SO good and had the energy that I had before the cancer. I don't have to have radiation, chemo or ANYTHING! I return to Texas in 3 months for a scan. As we were finishing the visit....Dr. Javle stated that he was going to New Dehli, India next month for a multi disciplinary cancer conference. He had a man from India call him recently and asked if he would see his mother who was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma. Dr. Javle told the man that he just didn't know if it was possible, he didn't have an office to do a dr visit in, but in the end, he agreed to see the woman. Then Dr. Javle asked....."How did you get my name"....the man stated "From Patty's blog!" ......Dr.Javle said "Patty's blog"????  The man then stated...."Patty, your patient from Illinois". It hit him that the man meant me.....so he told me I am now known internationally for my blog.....which is at almost 93,000 hits. It made me feel really good to know I helped someone get Dr. Javle to look at them. Just WOW! How bout that!!! 
So, we ended the visit with "Everything is going great"! My CA 19-9 went from 18.6 (3 months ago)to 10.2. The normal limits for this number is from 0.0 to 35.0.     I am a freaking 10.2!
This is the lowest my cancer marker has been. When I first started this journey (it will be 3 years this February) my CA 19-9 was over 800......now 10.2.   I will never get tired of saying that!
Don't get me wrong.....I still have cancer cells....but they are VERY inactive right now and that explains the break in any treatments whatsoever. Pray and pray again that I remain stable when I return in 3 months.....until then...I plan to live it up.
Pat and I are going to St. Thomas next month to see his son (my stepson) Tom for about 10 days.. Then in March we will go to Hawaii. So fun will be in my plans along with thanking God for my great team of doctors. For all the prayers sent my way on a daily basis. And to top it off, I'm getting hair!!!  Yip..it's ugly salt/pepper in color....but ask me if I care! I can actually part it....kind of.
We are having a slumber party tonight (Tuesday) at the Schonert's in Texas and then starting home early Wednesday with Deb's mom,  Margaret.
I thank everyone for prayers, inviting us in their home on this trip to Texas, all the cards, calls, texts, and for just stopping in the middle of your busy day to think of me!!



  1. Congrats Patty! That is wonderful news. I know my brother truly appreciated all the doctors and care at MD!

    1. Thank you for reading m blog! Your brother was a wonderful man and I think you may have been to my house a few times with some of the "kids" back a few years ago. Yes, MD Anderson is top notch! And so is my God!! He is right beside me every step of the way....it is SO awesome!! I love comments...so thank you for sharing!!

  2. Fantastic news! You write of your journey with so much faith and energy it almost seems like an adventure and not cancer. Not to minimize anything at all. I believe it is what gives you strength and draws in your readers - internationally. It is so beautiful that you are helping others find good health care experts as a result! Most of all, I'm sooooooo happy that your health is responding to the positive energy you possess and the prayer support!

    1. SIMPLIFY,
      Thank you for commenting. I love connecting with my audience and listening to their story or why they even bother to read my blog. If I did not have faith, I would be in a corner crying myself in tears of self pity. I don't have time for that......God wants me to shout from mountain tops to the oceans...He is alive and He is in all of us....we just have to WAKE UP and give thanks to Him. May He be with you and thanks again for posting. It might not always be good news...but I will post honestly and no matter what...it is real life!

  3. I tried to post once but it didn't seem to make it from my phone. I know God has big plans for you. He has used you in so many ways to glorify His name and you continue to be a blessing to all of us. I couldn't even finish reading the blog before I called Mom and let her know, everyone has been praying for so long. Every since that phone call you made to me almost three years ago, I have prayed for miracles, I feel like this is a miracle--if people don't believe miracles still happen, they just don't know where to look! Have a safe trip home, we gotta make plans, it's now "after Texas" :-)

  4. Such wonderful news! I have missed talking to you when you would call my office (propane). :)

    1. Wow Marilyn! You always had the kindest voice. I miss my work but love my family more, therefore, I resigned from the job I loved doing after 18 1/2 years! I am glad to know you follow my blog! God Bless You!! Hugs!

  5. I am new to this site. My sister (age 70) has a new dx of cholangiocarcinoma. I plan to send her the info about your blog to give her hope. Our faith in God is strong and we are praying for a miracle. First chemo was last week. I didn't see any blogging for February, 2014.

  6. February has been a month (thus far) a very busy month as we just returned from a vacation. A new post is in the making. Thanks for posting and God be with your whole family.
