Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back in the groove in Texas

I guess I should say back in the groove as much as possible. Jenn posted the problems I was having which are a bit better today and no fever so far. The doctors believe it is the radiation irritating the inside of the esophagus and also inflaming my liver so when I try to breathe deep or sneeze, my irritated liver pushes against my diaphram causing terrible pain(down my right side of my stomach where your liver is located). It is pretty painful to eat hard foods (bread, meats, pizza). I seem to handle yogurt better than hard foods. I brought some Carnation Instant Breakfast mixes I can use for a meal from home. I will also buy some Boost and other soft foods to keep my weight stable.
I was taking hydrocodeine over the weekend due to the pain being so bad but have managed to just take a 500 mg Tylenol today. I hate taking pain drugs and do not want to have to start taking them on a daily basis. The pain will probably worsen over the next 3 weeks so I thank God for being there to get me through it. I already know He will be.

I was so glad to come home over the weekend. I was late for mass by 7 minutes so I went with Amy (my daughter and her family) to Mt. Gilead Church.  I hate going in late to church as I feel like the whole mass STOPS and everyone turns around to stare at you!

 Jenn's graduation came and went. I got her a nice watch and told her life is ALL about time. It never stands still and a minute wasted is never gotten back. Time with God is never wasted and I hope we all think about that daily. It took me getting cancer for me to think about God/and give thanks to Him several times a day. Shame on me for not being more dedicated to God but God forgives and I have moved on to having a much better relationship with Him.

From the time I left Texas to the time I got back, I received 25 cards in the mail!! CRAZY! God knows they encourage me and give me pleasure in knowing so many people are praying and thinking of me!! God is good ALL the time!

I have radiation again tomorrow, then Thursday I see the dr and get radiation. I'll keep you posted on what the doc says. I know when this radiation is over, my body will start to heal and that's what I keep in mind when it is zapping away at me as I lay in my mold. Can't wait to see how I feel at 5 weeks into this....but God will pick me up when it is all over and I will make my way back to Olney. I know my tumor will be smaller and I will have more TIME on this earth.It just takes time.......it's all about TIME............

See the pics below from Jenn's graduation.

Again, Thanks for all thoughts, cards, gift cards, money, and above all prayers on my short stay in Texas.
Hugs & Prayers!!

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