Thursday, April 11, 2013

News from Houston

Mom asked that I update everyone on her news from MD Anderson today.

Everything is stable. Her cancer marker dropped 25 points, which means that the cancer is a lot less active. All other organs are in good shape and there is no sign of the cancer spreading elsewhere in her body. Her labs were good and her chest x-ray was clear. GOD IS GOOD!! They are boarding as I type this and heading home.

There have been a LOT of ups and downs over the past two years since mom has been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, but I thank the Lord each day, not for the downs(as they come from the devil), but I thank him for the ups and for being with us through the downs, as they have all made us stronger and closer to each other and God. I love seeing how mom has inspired so many people and been able to meet new friends, all because of something so horrible. She is the true meaning of 'joy'.

Written/Posted By: Amy

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